Thank You For Your Purchase
Your DVD Is Getting Ready To Ship And Your Instant Download Is Below!
PLEASE NOTE: , Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge from my private company: "UGAR, LLC", or "3Percenter Reprt UGAR"  rather than a reference  to this specific product. This is for your protection and  to protect you from big brother's prying eyes!
*** If you upgraded your purchase, please check your email for access to those products ***
Contacting Support:
If you have any problems downloading the files, please don't panic. Just email me at for support. Myself or one of my helpful assistants will assist you. You can also reach us at 1-800-581-0125 if you have any questions whatsoever about your order!

Your DVD order has been sent to our warehouse and is preparing for shipment

In the meantime please download your digital bonus below...
Instructions For Downloading:

Below you will find download links for each of the files that accompany your order.
Click on the first link with your RIGHT mouse button and you will see a menu like the one to the right open up.

In Internet Explorer Choose "Save Target As..." and download the file to your desktop some computers have "Save Link As..." or "Save File As ..." ).

Once you select the "save target as" or "save link as" entry, a download screen will appear asking you where you want to save the file to on your computer.

The download screen will appear like this...
You should save the files to your "Desktop" or another folder you can easily find.
Once you have downloaded the file, go to your desktop or the file you saved it to and double click the file to open it. Repeat this process for each of these files...
NOTE: You'll need the free Acrobat Reader program to read the manuals. If you're computer is 15 years old or less then you probably ALREADY have this program. If you don't have a copy of the Acrobat program now, you can get a Free copy of it by going to ... 

* remember to bookmark this page in case you need to download it again... *
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Fredericksburg, VA 22401
United States