Why I Will Flat Out Give You This FREE DVD That Reveals…

How To Build Your Own Untraceable AR-10 Style Semi-Auto “Sniper Rifle” (In Hard Hitting .308) So You Can Shoot Targets At 1,000 Yards!

No Serial Number. No Registration. 100% legal*
[2023 Update] Because of New Gun Control Laws,
We’re Giving Away These DVDs FREE!
If you’d like to get your own AR-10 style semi-auto “sniper rifle”, then you’re in the right place…

This rifle should be in the gun safe of every prepared American because it’s a heavy-hitting, long-range capable semi-auto

Perfect for when you need to “reach out and touch something” at distances hundreds of yards away…

In fact, two of the longest recorded sniper kills in military history were made between 1,300 and 1,400 yards with the .308...
Imagine shooting targets at over 13 football fields away!
The secret is the proven semi-auto design but a MUCH larger caliber…

Think of it like the “big brother” to the AR-15 because it’s practically the same rifle, but it fires a much bigger, more powerful .308 cartridge…

What’s so great about a .308?

As you may know—despite what the anti-gun media says—the AR-15 is NOT a high-powered rifle…
What’s more, in many states like my home town of Virginia – they won’t even let you hunt deer with a regular AR-15 because it’s considered too weak to be a hunting rifle!

But the .308 Winchester—also known as the 7.62x51 NATO cartridge—is considered the perfect North American big game hunting cartridge because it can take down anything from deer, to elk, bears, wild hogs, and more.

The fact of the matter is…
Military and police snipers use the .308 more than any other caliber -- it's the most popular long-range Sniper round in the world!
Today, there are dozens of examples of combat-proven semi-auto .308 sniper rifles...

The US Army, Navy, Marines, SEALS, and even Delta Force have all used .308 semi-auto AR style sniper rifles in the Global War on Terror...
But here's the best part...

You Can Build Your Own AR-308
At Home “Off The Books”!

The fact is that you can now build your own AR-308 at home…

The best part is…

When you build your guns at home, you'll have absolutely ZERO paper work.

That's right...
  • No background checks,
  • ​No paper work,
  • ​No registration,
  • ​and your AR-308 won't even have a serial number!
... With all the recent events and chaos of the last few years…

And with Biden and other anti-gunners pushing for new gun control laws…

This is the absolute best way to protect your privacy and guarantee your right to armed self-defense…

Yours FREE Today! Just Cover S&H

Why Building Your Own AR-308
Is The Solution To Protect Your
2nd Amendment Rights!

You see, building your own guns at home is not just a fun Do-It-Yourself (DIY) project…

But it’s actually the #1 thing you can do to protect your privacy

And guarantee your 2nd Amendment rights to own firearms

Because it protects you against current and future gun control…

President Biden has signed into law the first major federal gun control legislation since the 1994 "assault weapons" ban…

Biden bragged the law will now allow states like yours to confiscate firearms without due process of law…

Nearly half the country already has firearms confiscation laws...

They're called "Red Flag" laws.

The way they work is downright scary...

All it takes is ONE person to say you're "unfit" to own a gun and convince a judge behind your back

(you don't even know, so you have no chance to defend yourself in court)

And law enforcement can seize your guns immediately.

You broke no laws… there’s no arrest… there are no warrants needed.

You're guilty until proven innocent with red flag laws

Then it's up to you to spend thousands of dollars on lawyers and months (or years!) going to court to prove you deserve to have your guns back.

How Red Flag Gun Laws Allow Them To Confiscate Your Guns With No Due Process…

Imagine relaxing in the comfort of your home, watching TV…

“Knock, knock . . .”

It’s too late for visitors, so you wonder who it could be…

You get up from your seat and answer the door…

Only to find Police armed-to-the-teeth, snarling at you as they deliver a message straight from Biden’s White House…

“HAND over your GUNS. . . OR ELSE!!!

If you’re anything like most gun owners, this nightmare is always lurking in the back of your mind.

But when you build your own guns at home…

> You don’t have to do any background checks

> You don’t have to fill out any extra paperwork

> There’s no registration or record of any kind…

That means there’s no list with your name on it saying what guns you own…

Which means they won’t come pounding on your door – looking to confiscate your guns – because they don’t know you have them!

In short, if you choose to build your own guns…

You can almost practically guarantee you will never have to worry about your 2nd Amendment rights ever again.

You and your family will be protected, no matter what crazy schemes get passed in Washington.

Because your guns will be private!

Why It’s So Important For You To Get Your Guns As Privately As Possible...

Even if you’re not (yet) worried about widespread gun confiscation in America…

Keeping your name and guns off gun registration lists is vitally important for your safety…

Just take a look at what the California State Government did in June 2022…

They “accidentally” exposed the personal information of thousands of the state’s gun owners online…

This personal data included details like name, race, address, date of birth, and the type of permit issued–which indicated if the gun owner was a police officer or judge…

In short, the state of California put thousands of people in danger by essentially handing criminals a “shopping list” of homes to burglarize in search of firearms…

… a list of judges to murder…

… addresses of stalking victims for their stalkers to hunt down…

… locations of battered women and rape survivors…

and home addresses of police officers…

The only reason this leak was possible is because California imposes such draconian gun registration schemes in their state…

Gun registries are always dangerous and there’s no reason your privacy should be violated to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights…

That’s just one of thousands of reasons to get and keep your guns privately…

I’m giving this DVD away free (and actually losing money) for two very important reasons

My name is Caleb Lee, by the way...

I'm the #1 Best-Selling author of "Concealed Carry 101" and hundreds of my articles have been published and shared all over the internet...

But why am I giving this book away free?

Two reasons actually…
Number one, because I’ve spent practically my entire adult life showing other Americans how to protect, preserve and defend their second amendment rights through my best-selling books and other publications...

Now, I’m trying to warn millions more Americans to prepare for the current threat.

And number two, it’s my sincere belief that once you get your DVD and discover for yourself how it’s everything I’ve promised you…

I’m betting you’ll want to get more information from me and my organization in the future…

And that very soon we can count you among one of our thousands of subscribers.

The truth is: I’m only asking you to pay for a portion of the costs of sending you this book…

With the advertisements and other expenses needed to run this website...

I’m actually losing money for each person that requests this free gift…

But I’m willing to do it because I believe so strongly in defending the 2nd Amendment…

Because I believe that the tyrants in government are working—right at this very moment—to RAM through new unconstitutional gun control…

And because I believe that what’s inside this system can help truly help you…

And I believe it’s the most effective way to get this info into your hands, so you can make the final decision to decide if it’s worthy of your money.

Yours FREE Today! Just Cover S&H

Why It’s 100% LEGAL To
Build Your Own Gun “Off The Books”

Many Americans don’t realize that it’s totally and completely legal at the Federal level to build your own firearm for your own personal use.

That’s because the Federal laws that apply in every single U.S. state are covered in the Gun Control Act of 1968...

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is in charge of enforcing these Federal laws...

Here’s a screenshot from the ATF’s own website that explains it’s legal to build your own guns at home...
This screenshot from the ATF website says
"No, a license is not required to make a firearm solely for personal use."
Even though I believe the fundamental human right to keep and bear arms does not come from the government…

And even though the “right to bear arms” is guaranteed by the constitution (and as such we don’t need any laws qualifying that right)…

The fact is, the current laws on the books make it clear that you can build your own firearm at home...

• With no license...

• As long as you’re already LEGALLY allowed to purchase said firearm...

• And as long as you’re not intending to build guns to sell them (because then you’d be considered a “manufacturer” and be subject to following a ton of other laws)...

In other words...

If you can legally go down to your local gun shop and purchase a particular firearm in your state…then... you can legally build the same exact style firearm at home.
[2023 Update] It's Still Legal To Build Your Own Privately Made Firearm (PMF)
Biden and his gun-grabbing friends are doing their best to make it harder for you to build your own firearms privately...

But even after changing the definition of the word "firearm" - the updated ATF guidelines reveal that it's still completely legal to build your own "Privately Made Firearm (PMF)"...

In fact, here's another screenshot from the ATF clarifying that it's still legal...
The bottom line is that you can still build your own firearm, at home, and it's 100% private...

However, due to the new 2022 rule changes, the 80% receivers and gun parts kits you need are flying off the shelf - so you should act fast to build your gun now before the parts you need are sold out completely!
Why It’s EASY To Build Your Own
AR-308 At Home...
The good news is the AR-308 is not a complicated gun to build!

Here’s the upper receiver parts -- including the barrel, bolt and charging handle - that you can order online or through the mail right to your door...
And here’s the lower receiver parts…

And that’s the KEY!

That’s the REALLY important part!

That’s the part you NEED to own before any crisis.

The lower receiver is the actual part and the ONLY part of the handgun that’s considered the “firearm” by the ATF and other regulations…

This is the part that requires a background check to buy … and this is the ONLY part that has a serial number if you bought it from the gun shop…
The “Secret” To Building Your Own AR-308 With No Paper Work...
A few years ago, I found an underground group of Gun Builders who knew exactly how this all works…

These guys had the secret to obtaining firearms receivers that were almost finished but not quite ready to be used to build a working handgun…

… And the best part was these receivers – because they still needed some holes drilled and some other minor modifications made to them…

Were NOT considered firearms by any authority!

Like I said, these receivers were only partially finished…

In fact, there’s an industry term that calls them “80% receivers” because they’re only about 80% of the way to completion…

That means they didn’t come with serial numbers…

And… as far as the government was concerned – they were just paper weights!

And in the same way…

You can acquire and build your own AR-308 receiver – at home – so there’s no serial number…

You can bet that I immediately interrogated these guys and spent hours more researching exactly what they were talking about …

What they shared with me blew my mind!

I discovered from these experts, that just a few years ago – average folks like you and I would NEVER have been able to do this!

But now, because of online vendor sites anyone with a shipping address could get these special receivers and build them to rival almost any handgun available in stores!

And yes, you could do it for about the same or less cost – and protect your privacy at the same time!

I Learned The Hard Way, Through Trial and Error (And Asking a LOT of Stupid Questions) Exactly How This Was Done!

I couldn’t believe that I could do this.

After all, nobody would accuse me of being the world’s handiest guy and most of the time I don’t even change my own oil because it’s such a hassle…

… But this was FUN!

I was following in the footsteps of the patriots and founders of this country who had come before me.

I was becoming more self-reliant with each step – and guaranteeing my second amendment rights NO MATTER WHAT happens in Washington!

And the best part was:

I knew I was finally FREE because I had taken control of my destiny and protected my privacy by building my own AR-308 the smart way …

Completely OFF THE BOOKS!

Nobody in Washington or their jack-booted thugs knows about it – so there’s no reason for them to ever come knocking on my door!

Soon, I had a couple buddies asking me how I did it.

What was the secret?

That’s when I realized …
Every Patriot Should Have This Powerful Information!
I knew there must be thousands of other Americans just like me, who could see this country is going down the wrong path…

That you can see you’re losing your rights day by day with every insane law passed in Washington…

That you and other patriots would want to step up and take control of your own life, your own destiny, and have the power to protect your family and keep them safe – without relying on the government or someone else to do it for you!

I knew this information was way too important – and critically vital in these troubling times – to keep to myself.

So, I sat down and started collecting all this underground knowledge…

I spent hours upon hours collecting the data and months writing it down, documenting the process and testing everything out to make sure it was easy to follow.

And after a LOT of hard work, I’m proud to say…

The "Underground AR-308 System" Was Born!

The Underground AR-308 System is a simple, step-by-step course that puts YOU in control of your second amendment rights...

And frees you forever from slavery and servitude to the lawmakers in Washington…

So you can protect yourself and family no matter what happens.

I worked hard to make this as easy to use as possible, for almost anyone, as long as you can use a few simple tools …

In fact, it’s important to know …

You Can Build Your “Off The Books” AR-308 Right In Your Own Garage or Basement!

You don’t need a ton of expensive equipment...

Chances are if you’re a do-it-yourselfer, you already have everything you need in your garage or workshop …

Here’s what you get with the system…
You get the entire step-by-step instructions on video in the DVD showing exactly what to do in the extremely SIMPLE three-step process of building your own AR-308 without the government ever knowing about it, including:

-> How to build your own AR-308 at home with simple power tools –-no welding, and no expensive machining involved!

-> Where to buy the AR-308 receiver that has no serial number – the #1 most critical part that makes this all work!

-> The single most important “tool” you’ll need to complete the job and exactly where to get it for the absolute best price (without this—you might ruin your gun in no time!)

-> Where to buy the other parts for your AR-308 and the critical things you should look out for to make sure it’s as accurate and reliable as possible.

-> How to make a few simple tweaks to make it 10x easier (this is the info you ONLY learn through trial and error!)

… Plus much, much MORE!
Remember, it only takes 2 simple steps to complete your firearm once you have the parts...
From a high-level view…

It’s really a simple process…

First, you get the unfinished 80% receiver and other gun parts you need…

Then it’s just 2 simple steps!

Step 1, do some drilling and other work to remove excess material and “finish” the receiver…

Step 2, assemble your completed firearm with the finished parts!

Even better: it only took about one weekend's worth of work to finish this AR-308...
You Also Get My Written Manual - FREE!

And because I know it might be hard for you to watch a video or series of videos while you’re in your garage or workshop

you get the entire process covered in my short and to-the-point DIY manual!

One word of warning...

If you expect a huge, weighty, philosophical tome here – you are completely mistaken.

This manual and the videos have been carefully constructed and cut down to the bare, practical, DIY essentials. No fluff or filler.
There is not one word or image or frame of video that does not give you a benefit immediately…

That means you can finish your reading and watch the videos in the same weekend and be ready to start your project as QUICKLY as humanly possible...

But the REWARDS from this project will last a life-time!

Your AR-308 may even be passed down for generations as a family heirloom with a unique “how your grandpa built it” story too...

What’s more: this information will help protect your family FOREVER!

Now, I know some of your friends (or even your family) might say you’re “going overboard” when it comes to building your own firearms like this.

(Heck, all my friends thought I was a little crazy at first too – until they saw the final results)

But here’s the thing …

One, you simply can’t lose!

If you build your own private firearm and the other shoe never drops in Washington – what have you lost?

Not a dang thing.

You’ve simply gained the pride and satisfaction that comes from knowing you built yourself an amazing custom gun—all by yourself—from the ground up.

Plus, you’ll know every part of your new firearm and you’ll be the “Go to” gun guy in your circle of friends!

Imagine How You’ll Feel Knowing You and Your Family Will Be Protected, No Matter What Happens!

God forbid, imagine if the gun-grabbers get their way, and the Federal thugs go knocking on doors…

While everyone else is forced to surrender their weapons – those same people who think you’re “overreacting” now – are handing over their guns because they’re names are on secret lists –

While you’ll be able to sleep peacefully at night …

Because you and your family will be ok.

I know you might be worried that you don’t have the technical skills for this...

But I promise you that the System was designed with you in mind because I knew this had to be accessible for regular folks who don’t have access to expensive tools or welding equipment or a giant workshop or anything like that.

Truth is you can find most of the tools you need at the local hardware store or order them online.

In fact, you may already have everything you need and you just need to follow the step-by-step instructions included here…

The fact is, this is your way to BREAK FREE…

A way to guarantee your family’s protection – and the only way to currently do it – LEGALLY – that is completely private...

Why Building Your Own AR-308 Can Actually SAVE You Money!

A well-built AR-308 can get really expensive, really fast…

In fact, in the picture below, you can see a high-end AR-308 selling for over $2,930..

The truth is, you'll only have to invest a fraction of that to build it yourself...

And even better, because you're building it, it will be 100% custom to how you like it.

In fact, because you'll be only using the parts you want to use to build your gun, you'll be able improve anything you don't like …

If you want a better trigger, you can do that ...

If you want a grip that fits you better, or the color you want, and the barrel you need, it's all your choice...

If you want better sights, or a certain optic like a red dot, that's easy too...

The truth is it's all up to you and it might even save you money.

Look at it this way: many people buy an AR-308 for $1,500 or more.

Then they don't like the grip, so they spend another $70 or more to get a custom grip that fits them...

And they don't like the trigger, so they spend another $150 to $200 upgrading the trigger...

Then they don’t like the sights, so they start upgrading those for a couple hundred more…

After just a few upgrades -- they've already spent near $1,000 upgrading a brand-new gun!

Doesn't it just make sense to simply build the custom AR-308 you actually want, from the start?

Yours FREE Today! Just Cover S&H

Why The Biden Regime Is Trying To Rip Away Your Right To Build Your Own Guns…

It’s no secret that Biden is aggressively anti-gun…

In fact, he’s proving to be way worse than Obama ever was…

Biden Already Passed The Biggest Gun Control Package In 30 Years, Now He Wants MORE!

Even though this new gun control package gives away billions of your tax dollars to incentive states to enact more Red Flag gun confiscation…

Biden had the nerve to gripe “this legislation doesn't do everything I want" …

What is it Biden truly wants?

It’s simple…

This California-style ban would be way worse than the expired 1994 ban because it outlaws 200+ specifically named rifles, shotguns and pistols for cosmetic features anti-gunners think look “scary”...

As Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-CA) wrote in a USA Today op-ed, “Ban assault
weapons...go after resisters”


This is the anti-gun agenda’s Holy Grail because it’s designed to create an international database of “end users” of firearms…

Worse, it hands American gun owners information to the one-world globalists at the United Nations.

And what Biden wants most...


This is always disguised as “expanded background checks”...

But the dirty secret is the ONLY way expanded background checks could be enforced is for federal agents to keep a registry of every gun and gun owner in America...

And as you and I both know, registration is just the first step toward outright CONFISCATION!
But they can’t maintain a federal registration list if you’re building your own guns privately…

That’s why Biden and his gun grabbing friends in Washington D.C. absolutely HATE it when you exercise your right to build your own guns privately…

That’s Exactly Why
Giving This Entire System Away FREE!

Because Biden and his anti-gun friends wants to rip your guns out of your hands…

And destroy what’s left of the Second Amendment…

Freedom has never been under attack in America like it is today.

And the gun grabbers in Washington, D.C. will stop at NOTHING to get their way.

That’s why I’m doing everything I can to FIGHT BACK…

That’s why I’ve decided to give you this entire system – FREE!

I’ll put my trust in you first, by giving you
this valuable information FREE,
so you can make up your own mind...

I can do this confidently because I know the value of this information...

I believe in this so completely that I’ve already taken the steps I recommend inside this book for my own family (and it’s why I’m absolutely convinced it can help you too)...

Yours FREE Today! Just Cover S&H

No Catches.
No Trials.
No Subscriptions.

If you’re looking for the “catch” here, there isn’t one…

And there really are no strings attached…

I simply want to get the information inside this system out to as many patriots as humanly possible…

And the best way I could think to do that was by giving the entire system away FREE…

Plus, like I said, I’m hoping you are so thrilled and amazed with the content that you’ll want to come back and do business with me later…

And with any luck, you’ll share your experience with friends or family and I’ll get some word-of-mouth traffic and maybe go viral on social media.

So, there’s no trial subscription…

And there are no hidden charges...

Nothing shady like that.

Again, all I ask is you invest just a few dollars to help cover the costs of shipping the DVD to your doorstep…

But just to make this a total "no brainer" decision for you today, I want to give you a number of bonuses for your fast-action...

Bonus #1:

You're Also Getting My #1 Amazon Best Selling Book: Concealed Carry 101

Concealed Carry 101 - my #1 Amazon best-selling ebook - $29 Value - yours FREE!
Inside this book, you'll discover how I went from clueless "average" gun owner...

To becoming an NRA certified firearms instructor and what I discovered after spending 100's of hours training under and picking up the best tips, techniques and strategies from the best shooting instructors America has to offer -- including former SEALS and ex-CIA officers -- to turn himself into a knowledgeable concealed carrier.

Here's just some of the MUST know information inside…

* The #1 BEST gun for concealed carry (hint: the FBI recently adopted it as well as the SEALs, Rangers, MARSOC, and practically all spec ops)

* The 4 simple safety rules that practically guarantee you'll never have an accident with a gun (Plus, the 2 of these "golden rules" that are MOST important you simply can't forget!)

* A no-BS guide to "use of force" and how to make sure you do NOT go to jail after defending your life with a gun!

* How I conceal carry a handgun and 33 rounds of ammo in just a shorts and T-shirt in the summer (pictures included)

* The special "draw stroke" a former SEAL firearms instructor taught me that practically guarantees you can draw and shoot in 1.5 seconds or less (yes, the guy that teaches SEALs how to shoot)

* The "weird" routine I learned from a former CIA officer that can increase your shooting accuracy up to 200% in just 28 days!

* How to choose the best type of holster and carry method for you and your body type (plus the one position that makes it EASY for even small, petite people to conceal big guns)

* How to shoot fast AND accurately (these are the same secrets that allowed me to shoot a nearly perfect score on the new FBI firearms qualification course!)

* And a whole lot more!

In short...

If you are new to concealed carry, you need this book.

If you grew up around guns, or you've been carrying for a while, then you still need this book (you're guaranteed to learn something new!)

You also get...

Bonus #2:

How To Hide Your Guns Report

This report is another $19 Value - you get it FREE!
This is critical information you definitely can’t do without!

Let’s face it: in these chaotic times, you need to plan ahead. And it’s one thing to get the guns you need – but it’s a totally different thing to hide them from every day criminals and the ones on Capitol Hill!

In this short report, you’re going to discover:

* Why conventional options like a gun safe may be the absolute WORST place to put your guns—especially your AR-15!

* How to modify your home, so you can hide your guns in places the jack-booted government thugs will NEVER look!

* The 1 spot retired “operators” almost ALWAYS choose to put their home defense weapons for near instant retrieval in an emergency …

(Plus, the amazing story of how this tactical move saved my good friend’s LIFE!)

* The one simple solution that you can’t afford to overlook—it’s the ultimate answer to hiding your AR-15 and other valuables that will never fail!

And much more, including...

BONUS: 40 Unusual & Unique Places To Hide Your Guns!

Whether you're just trying to keep your guns private... or you want to put them away for decades--preserving them for future generations while hiding them from prying eyes...

You'll get the complete blueprint in this short report!

But that's still not all you get today, because I'm also giving you...

Bonus #3:

5 Shooting Drills To Become A Better Shooter,
Plus FREE Printable Targets

This report and printable targets is a $19 Value - you get it FREE!
Would you like to know the #1 secret to becoming a better shooter?

Would you like to shooter BETTER than all your friends at the range?

Would you like to have the confidence to know - beyond a shadow of a doubt - you have the shooting skills to protect yourself and your family in a life-or-death situation?

Of course you do!

If so, then this report was written for you because you'll discover exactly how to save a TON of time and money and still become a better shooter much faster than you ever thought possible...

Plus, you'll get 3 of my favorite printable targets inside...

Never pay for targets again! Simply print these on your computer, then hit the range...

Even better...

You'll see the top 5 shooting drills you should do - using the included targets - to dramatically increase your shooting skills in the shortest time humanly possible...

With the information in this short, yet info-packed report – along with the included targets -- you’ll have no excuses left and you can easily become a great shooter if you want to!

I’ll Even Give You A Money-Back Guarantee
For Your Shipping & Handling Fee,
So This Is 100% Risk-Free For you!

I don’t want anything to stand in the way of you getting the information you need to protect yourself and your family…

That’s why I’m pulling out all the stops here…

And I’ll even give you a money-back guarantee on the shipping and handling fee!

Here’s how it works:

If for any reason you’re not satisfied with your purchase, simply return it within 60 days (that’s two full months!) and I’ll refund 100% of your investment.

No questions asked!

That way there’s absolutely no risk for you.

Plus, even if you do decide to get a refund - you can even keep ALL the bonuses just as my way of saying "thanks".

A Total Value of $116.99,
All Yours FREE Today...

WARNING 09/24/2024:
Due To Limited Stock You Must Claim Your Free DVD Before Today's Inventory Runs Out. There Are 500
DVD's Remaining.

This is a limited offer, and once we run out of copies, you won’t be able to claim your FREE package…

Here’s why…

You see, I’ve invested my own money here and printed 1,000 of these DVD’s…

It cost me THOUSANDS of dollars...

And quite frankly, because I’m giving these DVD’s away FREE…

I can’t afford to spend that kind of money again…

So once these 1,000 copies are gone – they’re gone!

That’s why I highly recommend you claim your free copy right now.

Yours FREE Today! Just Cover S&H

Your Purchase Supports Your Gun Rights!

Thanks to customers like you, we’re able to provide meaningful financial support each and every month to important gun rights charities and political organizations that fight for our 2nd Amendment rights…

Organizations like Firearms Policy Coalition
And Gun Owners of America...
I know that it’s sometimes hard to justify spending money on yourself…

That’s why you can feel good knowing you’re not just investing in yourself and the protection of your family, but you’re supporting these no-compromise organizations that are doing everything they can to fight for OUR gun rights!

At This Point, There’s Really
Three Simple Choices …

This is a crossroads moment in your life...

Three paths lie before you:

1. You can bury your head in the sand…

Continue ignoring my warnings and my offers of help and still be stuck without a gun that is 100% “off the books” - FOREVER…

That puts your privacy at risk...

You'll always be at the mercy of future gun control...

Waiting for the other shoe to drop in D.C.

... And you’ll always have to wonder if THEY are going to come take your guns!

2. You can try to figure all this out your own, and grumble about the slow progress you’re making…

How hard it is to find this information and live with knowing you once had the chance to get everything you need RIGHT NOW… but… you never took advantage of it...

3. OR you can TAKE CONTROL of your life and get the guidance and advice I’m offering from my sweat and trial and error…

Proven to allow you to finally have completely untraceable firearm!

Frankly, only one of these choices makes any sense at all.

Please – for your own sake – join me in taking advantage of my risk-free offer today!

I want to help you set the path of freedom for the rest of your life…

A life filled with confidence that you can take care of your family if something goes wrong … and… an optimistic outlook for the future.

It’s time to ACCEPT this risk-free investment in your (and your family’s) future and join me now.

Here’s how to order:

Click on the link below to order RIGHT NOW.

You can use your credit card— it’s fast, safe and 100% secure… ten times more secure than using a credit card at your favorite restaurant!

Do that now, and I’ll see you on the other side in just minutes!

For Our Freedoms,

Caleb Lee

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Question: Why is the DVD free?

Because Freedom has never been under attack in America like it is today…

And the gun grabbers in Washington, D.C. will stop at NOTHING to get their way

So, the fastest way I know to get this information into the hands of as many gun owners as possible is by simply giving the DVD away free and just asking you to help pay S&H costs.

Question: How much does shipping cost?

Just a small one-time charge of $9.95 for S&H and then you’ll never see another charge again.

This fee might go up due to inflation in the future, so it’s best to order now!

Question: What’s the deal with the money-back guarantee?

I want to make sure you’re 100% satisfied with your free DVD, and I want to make sure you feel safe ordering today. That’s why I’m offering a full 60-day money-back guarantee on your shipping costs when you accept this free book today.

Question: Is this gift package available if I reside outside of the USA?

No, this book and offer is only for American Citizens who reside inside the United States.

Question: How do I order?

Easy! Just click the “Add To Order” button below, choose your package on the next page, fill out your information and your gift package will be on its way!

Yours FREE Today! Just Cover S&H

Copyright - UGAR, LLC
2215 Plank Road #111, Fredericksburg, VA 22401

All written testimonials presented on this page are from actual customers and have only been
edited for spelling and content to fit the constrains of this webpage.
*It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to research the current firearm laws of your state, county and city to ensure
you are following all applicable laws.